Thursday, May 6, 2010

17 Reformers Endorse Scott Conklin for Lieutenant Governor!

Centre County Representative Scott Conklin's campaign for Lieutenant Governor received a big boost this week. Conklin received the endorsement of 17 State Representatives who believe in his reform message.

"I am honored by the number of my colleagues that believe as I do that government needs to be reformed," Conklin said. "We have worked together, we have put in those 31 reform measures, the no-two a.m. voting and especially the new open records law. They believe like do I do, that we have to stop the old machine politics from coming back and taking over."

Conklin believes that a vote for him is a rejection of the strong-armed, pay-for-play, payback system that must not be allowed to continue. "And that's the reason we are banning together," Conklin stated. "We are trying to keep the reform message going before it gets squashed out by the old school politicians who want to keep things the way they are."

Conklin's call for a constitutional convention to change our broken system of government was the inspiration for his candidacy. He is encouraging all reform-minded voters to support him on May 18th.

Representatives who have endorsed Scott Conklin's bid for Lieutenant Governor:
· Barbin, Bryan (D)
· Burns, Frank (D)
· Caltagirone, Thomas R. (D)
· Casorio, James E., Jr. (D)
· DePasquale, Eugene (D)
· Deasy, Daniel J (D)
· Fabrizio, Florindo J. (D)
· Freeman, Robert (D)
· Gergely, Marc J. (D)
· Haluska, Gary (D)
· Hanna, Michael K. (D)
· Harkins, Patrick J. (D)
· Kortz, William C., II (D)
· Kula, Deberah (D)
· Mahoney, Tim (D)
· Samuelson, Steve (D)
· Solobay, Timothy J. (D)