Thursday, May 6, 2010


Lieutenant Gubernatorial Candidate Scott Conklin brought his reform message to the students of Lock Haven University on Thursday. Conklin said more needs to be done to bring jobs for younger people to Pennsylvania. He is also worried about the rising cost of a college education.

"They (students) are very concerned about not only the cost of their tuition, but what their future will bring," Conklin said. "It is inspiring to see how diligent and hard working these young people are."

Conklin also encouraged them to "take the google challenge." The candidate asked students to google his name and the names of his opponents and compare. "You will find that I have been leading the way on the crucial issues of the day," Conklin stated. "And that I am the most qualified to serve as your next Lieutenant Governor."

Democrats will go to the polls on May 18th to choose their candidates for the fall.