Thursday, May 6, 2010


The political awareness committee of the Pentecostal Churches of Philadelphia threw their full support behind the candidacy of Representative Scott Conklin for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania. The committee represents many congregations within the inner city and beyond.

"They want good honest government. They are tired of the pay for play politics. They are tired of the politicians coming to the people and promising them everything and then doing nothing to help make the streets safer, the schools safer and help in giving them their neighborhoods back,"

Conklin spent most of the weekend campaigning with the clergy in the inner city to find out firsthand what the needs are there. He was very honored to receive their endorsement.

In other campaign news, the Columbia County Democratic Committee held a straw poll over the weekend. Representative Conklin received 78 percent of the votes over his two primary opponents.

The campaign is now gearing up for Penn State's Blue/White weekend. A tailgate will be held near the Ag. Arena at Beaver Stadium this Saturday. All the fun starts at 11 a.m. Please come and talk to Representative Conklin about his vision for the future of Pennsylvania.