Thursday, May 6, 2010

Conklin picks up endorsements in Westmoreland, Dauphin and Fulton Counties

Democratic Lieutenant Gubernatorial candidate Scott Conklin picked up three more key endorsements this week. The democratic committees of Westmoreland, Dauphin and Fulton counties overwhelmingly picked Scott Conklin as the right person to balance the democratic ticket for the fall election.

"This is very exciting, not only for myself and my family who have been working very hard, but for the folks across the state that are putting faith in this campaign," Conklin said. "This is not about Scott Conklin, this is about the citizens of Pennsylvania, this is about a good reform message, a good message that this is the people's government."

Centre and Bedford counties have also endorsed Conklin's campaign. Conklin said he is confident that his reform message combined with his qualifications will carry the day come Primary Election Day on May 18th.