Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Centre Regional Chapter of the AFL-CIO Endorses Rep. Scott Conklin

Centre County Representative Scott Conklin picked up another key endorsement in his campaign for Lieutenant Governor. The Centre Regional Chapter of the AFL-CIO, which represents workers in four counties, endorsed his candidacy because of his long standing record of helping working families. President Dan Long praised Conklin's efforts from the time he served as county commissioner to his most recent work in the state house.

"He (Conklin) is pro working family. Everytime I've called him with a working family issue he has been very open, listened and taken our perspective," Long said. "It has been tremendously helpful to the working class in his district and hopefully he can take that to the state-wide level."

Representative Conklin said he was humbled by the endorsement and looks forward to pushing for reform measures that will benefit working families if he is elected.