Thursday, May 6, 2010

Scott Conklin Trusts the Citizens to Guide State Reform

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania hasn’t made any changes to its constitution since 1968. In the forty-two years since that last revision, the state has been littered with a plethora of problems. One of the most frustrating of these problems is the budget process which hasn’t met its June 30th deadline since 2002.When looking for ideas on reform Scott Conklin trusts in the people that know Pennsylvania best – the citizens.

Scott has spent the last couple of months since the budget crisis organizing a collaborative event which took place this past Monday. The event was open to all citizens to voice their opinions and lend their ideas on how to improve the Commonwealth. “We will come up with the best possible plan if we just trust in the people” Conklin said.

The people voiced their opinions on everything from campaign finance reform to term limits for legislators, and the ideas were met with much appreciation from the servant leader of the 77th District. “We hit multiple stumbling blocks with this year's budget and I think the process is partially to blame.” Scott received many opinions from the audience on how to make fundamental changes in the drafting of the state budget. The state of Pennsylvania can’t go through another impasse. Scott believes “this is the perfect opportunity to bring those changes to light" and will continue to be the fighting voice of the Centre County citizens in Harrisburg.