Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Centre County State Representative Scott Conklin's campaign for Lieutenant Governor was endorsed this morning by the "Philadelphia Inquirer."

"I am very humbled and honored to be recognized by the "Philadelphia Inquirer," Conklin said. "We went to Harrisburg four years ago to talk about reform, bringing integrity back to government, and getting it to run more efficiently."

Conklin believes that a vote for him is a rejection of the strong-armed, pay-for-play, payback system that must not be allowed to continue.

"I believe this will be a boost forward. Anytime you go against the entrenched machine and are recognized like this, by not just a state but a national newspaper, it is a huge boost to our candidacy," Conklin stated. "Because it gives the credibility and also the awareness that there is more to this campaign than just political power brokers."

Conklin's call for a constitutional convention to change our broken system of government was the inspiration for his candidacy. He is encouraging all reform-minded voters to support him on May 18th.

Read the endorsement! Please click on this link:


State Representatives who have endorsed Scott Conklin's bid for Lieutenant Governor:

• Barbin, Bryan (D)
• Burns, Frank (D)
• Caltagirone, Thomas R. (D)
• Casorio, James E., Jr. (D)
• DePasquale, Eugene (D)
• Deasy, Daniel J (D)
• Fabrizio, Florindo J. (D)
• Freeman, Robert (D)
• Gergely, Marc J. (D)
• Haluska, Gary (D)
• Hanna, Michael K. (D)
• Harkins, Patrick J. (D)
• Kortz, William C., II (D)
• Kula, Deberah (D)
• Mahoney, Tim (D)
• Samuelson, Steve (D)
• Solobay, Timothy J. (D)