Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Scott Conklin: The Candidate with the Qualifications

Lieutenant Governor’s Three Key responsibilities:

FIRST, Running the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA)

- As a county commissioner, Scott worked very closely with Emergency Management Director Randy Rockey and his staff to satisfy their needs in times of distress.

- Scott Conklin was the first chairman of the Centre County terrorism task force after the horrific acts of Sept. 11, 2001.

SECOND, Presiding over the Pennsylvania Senate

- Scott Conklin is the only candidate with the legislative experience to assume this responsibility on day one.

- Scott is currently Pennsylvania State Representative for the 77th District giving experience writing and passing legislation

- Representative Conklin pushed over 30 different reform measures including writing legislation to prevent teen dating violence in Pennsylvania.

THIRD, Supervising Pennsylvania’s Pardon Board

- Scott had the honor of chairing the statewide board of correction while serving as Centre county commissioner.

- Scott led the Centre County prison board and oversaw the construction of Centre’s current county prison.

Transparent, accountable, and responsible government starts with you, and with your support that’s what Scott Conklin will fight for. Scott is the only candidate that has the qualifications and the legislative experience to be the Lieutenant Governor on day one.

Thank you for all of your support!